# Java CodeSpaces You can work with the new Java Curriculum modules either by cloning the module and starting VSCode, or by starting a Github Codespace. 1. Start from the repo page for one of the modules, such as [Level0-Module0](https://github.com/League-Java/Level0-Module0) 1. **Fork.** Fork or Use the template.( Forking is actually easier because it sets the name for you and allows updates. ) 1. **Start Codespace.** Click on the green ``<> Code v`` button, then on the `Codespaces` tab. Create a new Codespace on Master 1. **Run Some Code.** In the VSCode window, run your code! If you are in the Level0-Module0 repo, open `src/_02_code_flow/_1_robot_square/RobotSquare.java`, then either: * Click the run button in the upper right * Click on the Run/Debug icon in the left-side menu, then select "RobotSquare" from the pull down menu and click the run button. 1. **Open VNC.** In the botton panel, lick on the `PORTS` tab, then Hover over the cell for "Forwarded Address" and "VNC_Web (6080)". You should get a popup World Icon. Click on it to open a VNC window. * **Or**, click on the third popup button, "Preview in Editor" to see a browser window in the VSCode editor. 1. **Log In VNC.** The VNC password is "code4life"