:maxdepth: 1
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# Courses
## Python
* [Introduction to Programming](https://league-curriculum.github.io/Python-Level-0/)
An hour-long first experience with Python.
* [Python Apprentice](https://python-apprentice.jointheleague.org)
The first course in Python, which covers the basics of the language and prepares students for professional certification.
* [Python Games.](https://github.com/league-curriculum/Python-Games)
Build skills with larger, object-oriendted programs by creating games. You can also [run your Python games on the web](https://github.com/league-curriculum/Python-Web-Game)
## Java
* [Level0](https://league-java.github.io/Level0/)
* [Level1](https://league-java.github.io/Level1/)
* [Level2](https://league-java.github.io/Level2/)
* [Level3](https://league-java.github.io/Level3/)
* [Level4](https://league-java.github.io/Level4/)
* [Level5](https://league-java.github.io/Level5/)
## Microcontrollers and Robotics
* [Hour of Micro:bit](https://league-curriculum.github.io/HourofMicrobit/)
A short class introducing the Micro:bit Microcontroller
* [Motors Clinic.](https://league-curriculum.github.io/Motors/)
A short course covering how to write programs to control brush motors, stepper motors and hobby servos.
## Beta Testing and Development
* [Introduction to Python.](https://league-curriculum.github.io/Python-Introduction/) The development version of the Introduction to Programming course.
Development of The LEAGUE's curriculum is generously funded by the Itzkowitz Family Foundation.